GoldSDK Facebook DLL is a standard Windows dynamic link library (32-Bit). The easiest way to post on Facebook!
Facebook DLL can work with Windows 9x to Vista and Win7, doesn't require to have administrator rights and can work in restricted areas. Speed Up Your Social Media Today.
GoldSDK Facebook DLL no need to scour the web for the best content. FacebookDLL delivers it right to your app.
Facebook DLL is a windows dynamic link library and allows you to Put your messages on de Facebook Wall in your windows programs.
If you are looking for a solution to Pots Msg Facebook on your windows applicaton, please download DEMO version Download DEMO., with a few function call, it helps you "add trial features" in your projects easily and quickly.
Key Features
- Support .NET and Win32 application.
- Support many development languages, such as Delphi, C++Builder, VC, VB, C#, VB.NET, PowerBuilder, PowerBasic, Visual Foxpro, Clarion ect.
- Support calling DLL from Microsoft VBA, such as Word, Excel, Access, PowerPoint 2000 / 2003 /2007 etc.
- Support rename Facebook DLL.DLL to other file name or placed to other folder.
- 100% Safe DLL file, can not to be Some firewalls (like Zone alarm) block.
- No delay time to delivery your software, no need to send anything by post.
- Supports Windows 9x/Me/NT/2000/XP/2003/2008/Vista/Win7 32-Bit and 64-Bit.
Sample code: Generate unique Facebook DLL with Delphi, CBuilder, C#, VB.NET
» 1. Delphi Sample Code: Generate unique Facebook DLL by App name in Delphi
unit Unit1; interface uses Winapi.Windows, Winapi.Messages, System.SysUtils, System.Variants, System.Classes, Vcl.Graphics, Vcl.Controls, Vcl.Forms, Vcl.Dialogs, Vcl.StdCtrls, Vcl.ExtCtrls, Vcl.Imaging.jpeg, Vcl.Buttons; type TForm1 = class(TForm) Panel1: TPanel; edtUser: TEdit; edtPassword: TEdit; Label1: TLabel; Label2: TLabel; Memo1: TMemo; Bevel1: TBevel; Label3: TLabel; Label4: TLabel; LinkLabel1: TLinkLabel; btnPost: TBitBtn; procedure btnPostClick(Sender: TObject); private { Private declarations } public { Public declarations } end; var Form1: TForm1; function FacebookPostOnWall(_login,_password,_message,_privacy:string):String; stdcall; external 'FacebookDLL.dll'; implementation {$R *.dfm} procedure TForm1.btnPostClick(Sender: TObject); var vPost: String; begin if edtUser.Text = '' then begin ShowMessage('User name required!'); Exit; end else if edtPassword.Text = '' then begin ShowMessage('Password required!'); Exit; end; vPost := FacebookPostOnWall(edtUser.Text,edtPassword.Text,Memo1.Text,'10'); if vPost = 'OK' then ShowMessage('Post Message!') else ShowMessage('Error while post message!'); end; end.